Sustainable is no longer enough.
'Sustainable' is a childish fantasy world used by corporate and political psychopaths trying to smoke-screen their profit oriented green-washing.
Nothing in modern culture can be sustained without annihilating more life on Earth.
Something very different from sustainability is possible right now.
It is the quality of being regenerative.
Nature already knows how to do this.
Humans do not.
Regeneration is a new frontier.
If we do not figure this out now, we won't figure it out ever.
Archiarchy is regenerative.
Archiarchy emerges through an economics of Nonmaterial Value.
The figure in the logo is referred to as a 'Klein Bottle'. It is a graphic representation of a one sided space, like a three-dimensional möbius strip. A Klein Bottle has only one surface, implying that there is no place to throw things away. Everything is connected to everything else. This is a fine model to use when shifting into regenerative modalities.
These distinctions apply to both 'men' and 'women'
About the process of a man 'taking his Balls back from his mother' or, for a woman 'taking her Center back from her father', there are some significant considerations.
First, to go through this process, someone who has been through this initiation would need to hold space for you. Someone who has not been through the initiation cannot guide you through this and you would be misguided that you have done such process when in REALITY you have not. Second, such big initiations are better held in physical presence than online.
Having the concept that you will do one process 'online' just before visiting your parents, and then you will not be hooked with your Mother, or resent her, or want to take Revenge on her, or be angry, scared about her... this is a Fantasy World. Transformation happens in reality. Transformation takes time.
Escaping from the second of the 8 Prisons - 'getting out of your parents bubble' - has many layers:
- It takes going through a number of Completing Incomplete Emotions from your childhood with your parents. How many have you done?
- It takes learning to keep your Center in all circumstances. What is your current practice about this?
- It takes Decontaminating your Child Egostate from your Adult Egostate. Who is your buddy? How far along are you in your Decontaminations?
- It takes that you can Consciously Feel all 4 FEELINGS distinctly from your 4 EMOTIONS, even at low levels of intensity.
- It takes participating in Rage Club series, AND Fear Club series.
- It takes that you have shifted from Verbal Reality (thinking, "It would be a great idea to do this process.") to Experiential Reality (experientially feeling the great pain of not Being an Initiated Man because you still blame women - your Mother, teachers, sisters, aunts, ... etc for your state of Being a Boy).
- Etc.
Please do not take Authentic Adulthood Initiatory Processes lightly. You will hinder them and yourself by doing so.
What is RegeneRative CultuRe?
A regenerative human culture is healthy, resilient and adaptable; it cares for the planet and it cares for life in the
awareness that this is the most effective way to create a thriving future for all of humanity.
Regenerative Culture means improvements year on year, taking small steps to heal and improve, on all levels,
including individuals, communities, our soil, water and air.
More than being a network of “activists”, we seek to find ways of being and doing that support positive change.
This can include ceremony and prayer (in ways that are neither dogmatic nor expected) to find inspiration from
things bigger than ourselves. We need to reconnect with our love for ourselves, our country and our people
alongside wider neighbours; people and the natural world.
Regenerative Culture seeks to bring a different approach to climate and other activist movements. It is
about how we move towards practicing and demonstrating the change we want to deeply experience in life in
all society.
Its purpose is to nurture a new culture that is resilient and robust and which can support us all through the
changes we must inevitably face together.
Regenerative Culture precedes, holds us through and lasts beyond the actions that we take as part of our
In Extinction Rebellion, we recognise that we have much work to do so that we can truly embody a
Regenerative Culture within our movement. It is a necessary way to generate meaningful and lasting change in
our shared world. There is no singular definition, but a framework based on natural principles allows each of us
to develop our own approach to practicing a regenerative way of being.
At its simplest, this means putting a little bit more in than we take out.
RegeneRative CultuRe includes a healthy focus on mutually suppoting through:
Self-care how we take care of our own needs and personal recovery from this toxic system.
Action care how we take care of each other whilst we undertake direct actions and civil disobedience together.
Interpersonal care how we take care of the relationships we have, being mindful of how we affect each other, taking charge of our side of relationships.
Community care how we take care of our development as a network and community,
strengthening our connections and adherence to these principles and values.
People and planet care how we look after our wider communities and the earth that sustains us all.
RegeneRative CultuRe is about relationships. Our relationships with ourselves and personal histories, our
relationships with what we struggle against, our relationships with other individuals day to day, and our
relationships as a group – these are completely interdependent.
RegeneRative CultuRe is crucially important to Extinction Rebellion and essential to what makes us different
from other activist movements. It helps us to nurture a new society that is resilient and robust and can support
us all through the changes we must inevitably face together.
RegeneRative CultuRe stands at the bedrock of Extinction Rebellion, teaching and practicing the change we
want to see in this society, including non-violent communication.
RegeneRative CultuRe looks at how to create a healthy, resilient and regenerative community of people
working towards system change across the world.
RegeneRative CultuRe puts new systems and ways of thinking and being into place. It proposes and implements
strategies and systems to support this to be accessible to everyone.
RegeneRative CultuRe is achieved by “deep caring”. By caring for yourself, in a way that cultivates resilience
against burn-out and anxiety, you’re more able to care for others – your circle, the international community, and
the natural world.
RegeneRative CultuRe is the beginnings of growing a society that might footstep us towards a new way of
looking after each other. We are experimenting and nurturing the kind of extreme care that will be needed to
sustain all our communities.
RegeneRative CultuRe, in all its myriad forms, helps Extinction Rebellion members reweave ourselves as part
of a living ecosystem and take self-responsibility for ourselves, each other and within our wider communities.
Here is where we learn the true significance of standing for all life.
RegeneRative aCtivism, then, involves reconnecting with ourselves and our needs, to stay inspired and achieve
our goals and is the bit of Extinction Rebellion that will not end when the actions have met their purpose. It
brings with it a new paradigm for living.
Clearly, what this website is about is clarifying which preparations are most auspicious and proper to make. This is the most useful approach.
Because then, when it is possible to happen, you are already prepared to take back your Balls from your mother (for a man), or take back your Center from your father (for a woman), and the evolution will occur by reflex.
Regenerative Experiments
Matrix Code REGENERA.01
This experiment has 2 parts.
Part 1: Take your Beep! Book and sit down for as long as it takes to write down 50 fantasies that you have about sustainability.
Write down your stories and beliefs about why sustainability is a good (enough) concept. Write down your assumptions about the consequences of sustainability. Do not stop until you have written down at least 50 fantasies.
As long as you live in your fantasy worlds, you cannot engage with reality. If you cannot engage with reality, you have nothing to work with.
Part 2: Let your fantasies fall apart. Go through each of these fantasies and do a reality check. Let yourself feel the impact of having believed in a fantasy, and the result of facing into reality.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code REGENERA.01 in your free account at This Experiment is worth 25 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code REGENERA.02
Watch the documentary "What a Way to Go: Life at the End of Empire" (MOVIE275.00) with and by Timothy Bennett together with at least two other people who are also willing to feel.
Stop this movie whenever you feel something (Anger, Sadness, Fear or Joy) and share with each other what you are feeling.
Also stop the movie to share with each other when either of you notices that one of your fantasies is being dismantled, or when you notice that you are becoming defensive to protect your old thoughtware. Name what is going on for you and let yourself fall apart.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code REGENERA.02 in your free account at This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code REGENERA.03
Do you still think your anger is a mistake made by nature? Think again. Nature does not make mistakes like that.
If you cannot use your anger consciously, you are wasting the resource that you need in order to know what you care about, to say No to systems that do not work, to create regenerative systems, and to go into action for a regenerative future. Instead, you are using your anger to push yourself through so as to function in a dead system.
With this experiment, you lower your numbness to your conscious anger, making this resurce available for your life.
Part 1: Identify your current thoughtware about anger. Since anger is defined by modern society as not okay, your current thoughtware will consist of a variation of beliefs that are based on the main assumption that anger is not okay.
Stand up and make your hands into fists. Activate some anger in your fists and let the energy move through your body. What are the stories and beliefs about anger that you learned from your childhood onwards? Write them down. This is your Old Map of Anger - a description of the territory of anger that you have been using for your whole life to avoid feeling angry.
Part 2: A different perspective on anger is possible and necessary. Stand up and make a step forward into the New Map of Anger, where Anger is neutral energy and information that serves your life, and life on this Planet. Again, make your hands into fists and feel the anger run through your body. 5-10% of anger from the whole spectrum of 100% anger accessible to you as a fully grown human being is enough. When anger is neither good nor bad, but neutral, how can it serve you? What do you notice in your body? Write it down. This is the New Map of Anger.
You can watch this video by Nicole Hartley Bradford to support your creation of the Old & New Map of Anger:
Now use your conscious Anger to choose to live in the New Map of Anger by declaring: "Anger is neutral energy and information that serves my life, and life on this Planet." Speak out loud this declaration, and choose: "I choose the New Map of Anger".
Part 3: Since the Old Map of Anger is entrenched in your system, you have developed many strategies in order to be numb to your anger. This part is a practice: By practising feeling your anger, you lower your numbness to anger and start gaining a real choice. This is part of phase 1 of Feelings work.
For one week, lower your numbness by noticing your anger all day long. Whenever you notice your anger, say "I feel angry because..." and let your anger speak.
Part 4: After you have completed part 3, register for a Rage Club.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code REGENERA.03 in your free account at This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code REGENERA.04
Watch this video by Max Wilbert of Deep Green Resistance:
"There is a war being waged on the natural world, there is a war being waged on your children, your grand-children's future. (...) And we need warriors, to step up and be a part of this fight. There is no time to stand on the sidelines. There is no time to say 'You know what? I don't really feel like it this week, that sounds uncomfortable.'
Yes. It is is uncomfortable. It is very uncomfortable at times."
After having watched (and felt) the full video, make your own video by recording yourself and let your dragon speak: What needs to happen in your vicinity to shift from sustainable to regenerative, right now? What are you taking a stand for? Let your conscious anger as well as your other feelings - sadness, fear and joy - speak. Use your 5 bodies.
Upload your video on Youtube and send the link here, for uploading on this website.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code REGENERA.04 in your free account at This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.BUILD A COMPOSTING TOILET AND USE THE HUMANURE FOR FERTILISING SOIL
Matrix Code REGENERA.05
Did you ever consider the insanity of a water flush toilet? You do your "business" and your excrements get flushed through the sewerage system into a treatment plant, to make the water used fit for human consumption or release into rivers and oceans. A lot of water and energy is used for this process. It is not regenerative.
Regerative is when you collect your excrements, let them compost, and use them for fertilising soil.
For this experiment, build yourself a simple composting toilet - even with just a wooden box, a toilet seat and a 20l bucket will do. A simple internet search will provide you with the necessary information. Create also a composting heap and research how to best maintain it. Then use the humanure to fertilise your garden (you choose whether you put it only around your fruit trees or also vegetables). Notice how you are using your conscious anger to complete this project.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code REGENERA.05 in your free account at This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code REGENERA.06
Eating sugar is one way of gaining energy for your body. It is not a regenerative source of energy, however.
In this experiment, stop eating sugar for 1 month. Consciously avoid eating any refined sugar (as you will find in most foods purchased from the supermarket/grocery store) and any fruit sugar. Notice what changes in your physical body and write it down in your Beep! Book.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code REGENERA.06 in your free account at This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code REGENERA.07
This experiment serves the purpose of building matrix in terms of regenerative food sourcing.
As Derrick Jensen put it:
"You know, we’ve come to believe that our food comes from the grocery store and that our water comes from the tap, and that’s because it does. And that’s an extraordinary thing that the system has done, has been to interpose itself in between us and the real world, because if your experience is that your water comes from the tap and your food comes from the grocery store, you’re going to defend to the death the system that brings those to you, because your life depends on it. If, on the other hand, your water comes from a river and your food comes from a land base, you will defend to the death the river and the land base, because that’s what your life depends on."
For the purpose of this experiment, commit to stopping to shop at the supermarket or grocery store for one entire month. Instead, find ways to source food from your garden, local hunters, local farms, the local markets, community gardens, bartering with your neighbours, and more. Notice what you find out about sourcing food from somewhere else than from the supermarket/grocery store and make notes about what you notice in your Beep! Book. If you encounter emotions, go through the Emotional Healing Process.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code REGENERA.07 in your free account at This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code REGENERA.08
Your unconscious, irresponsible fears stand between you and a regenerative culture that could emerge through you.
This experiment serves to lower your numbness to your fear.
The first part of this experiment is to notice how terrified (high intensity of fear) you are all the time. Indicators for being scared are that you resort to thinking most of the time, intellectualising, adapting, trying to look good, pretending that you know how it goes, checking out whether someone likes you or dislikes you, etc. In short, the fact that you are numb and do not feel any of the feelings are an indicator for your suppressed (numb) fear.
For an entire week, notice how your fear shows up. How do you stay numb? What are the indicators that you feel scared? Be radically honest with yourself and make notes of what you notice in your Beep! Book.
After having completed a week of observing, start naming your fear whenever you notice your indicators. Say "I feel scared because...", feel the fear in your body (instead of thinking it), and let your fear speak. Do not censor yourself.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code REGENERA.08 in your free account at This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code REGENERA.09
This experiment is for physical composting, which makes for a great foundation for
other ways of composting which are essential for humans. First, do this
experiment. Then go on and do experiment REGENERA.10.Vegetable scraps and other organic matter thrown into landfill produce methane gas that builds up in landfill and is released into the atmosphere if not treated
properly. That is not sustainable.Research how to make compost and create your own compost heap or system for your home and use it for your vegetable scraps. Either use your thus created compost in your garden, or if you don’t have a garden, donate your compost to friends or neighbours who have a garden. Go and get the occasional horse- or cow-poo to add to your compost.
Notice in which ways making compost out of kitchen scraps and other organic matter
creates the fertilizing soil for future life to emerge from.After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code REGENERA.09 in your free account at This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code REGENERA.10
This is a follow on from experiment REGENERA.09 (do that one first).
In this experiment, you start composting your emotional garbage and make it into fertilizer for a different way of relating.
Your emotions are doorways for healing. They have no basis in current reality. When you try to navigate relating with emotions, you create low drama and ordinary relating. Composting your emotional garbage goes like this: you collect your emotions as you discover them and write them in a list at the end of your Beep! Book. This means: As you notice emotions coming into your relating space, you name them: “I notice this is an emotion. I will handle it outside of our relating.” Then you write them in your Beep! Book and later find yourself a spaceholder to go throughthem, or join an EHP Dojo.
The more you go through your Healing processes, the more space there is for you to relate without stories about your partner or friends. You get to be with
them right now, right here, fuelled with your feelings to navigate this minimized now. Et voila! You get to create high drama and extraordinary relating.Do this experiment for 1 month.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code REGENERA.10 in your free account at This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code REGENERA.11
Lying comes in different ways, and includes especially the ways that you pretend to be what you are not. Lying is neither good nor bad, but it creates certain results.
Lying is not regenerative (and not even sustainable). It sucks out your energy
and consumes it to cover up your lie. And yet, you lie (and you might not even
realize it).The experiment goes as follows:
1) Notice in which ways you lie.
Observe for 1 week your “big” and “small” lies and write them down in your
Beep! Book.2) Stop lying.
For the next week, stop lying. Whenever you notice a lie creeping in, stop in
your tracks or correct yourself.3) Practice being radically honest.
Instead of lying, say what’s really going on. Be radically honest.After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code REGENERA.11 in your free account at This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code REGENERA.12
For this experiment, get yourself some organic/untreated seeds of a tree native to the area you live in. Find out what the seed needs to germinate, and then go ahead and do that. Some seeds need some form of treatment in order to be able to have their protective layer cracked and soak up the water.
Then sew the seeds in seedling raising mix, and water them daily. Depending on where you live, make sure they have the right temperature. Find out which seeds need which environment, and provide them with that. Care for this seed as if your life depended on it, until it is mature enough that you can plant it outside. Then plant the tree outdoors, where it can grow into full size.
After having planted this experiment, please registerMatrix Code REGENERA.12 in your free account at This Experiment is worth 5 Matrix Points.
NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play, massively-multiplayer, online-and-offline, thoughtware-upgrade, matrix-building, personal-transformation, adventure-game called It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code REGENERA.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on Thank you for playing full out!